Tuesday 5 April 2011


 We saw an advert at """"".com on furnitures for sale and was interested as the owner was practically letting the stuff good. I am telling you they were rock bottom price!!!

As any normal warm blooded woman would be, memang pantang nampak benda murah, tak kirala kan whether its a need or a necessecity. Somehow kehendak and keperluan tu mcm sama aje, kan kan kan?

Anyway punya excited terus call the owner and she told us to proceed to her house as her daughter will be at home. Off we went in one of  Zai's many cars(Zai rents out cars ye). Ana drove and yours truly was the co driver. We arrived at B* A*sa and found the house. Outside nampak cantik. Gate dia memang cantik. Kalau jual ada Zai tu nak beli.

Out came a girl of about 11-12 years of age. Bukak gate. Ingat adala maid ke any adult, takde she is a latch key kid. Father working, sister schooling. Mum don't live with them no more. Sedihnya tengok dia. Its not that she is lacking in material things( budak tu sihat so makan confim cukupla) but the trust she has on strangers. she opened the door for us as her mum had told her of our intentions with not an ounce of fear or caution on her sweet angelic face. its fine as we were genuine buyers, but if that is not the case? The mum only spoke to Ana  and made  arrangements and trustingly opened her home to us.

We stayed with her for a while and being kaypochi started "interviewing" her. Ayah kerja mana, Mak kerja mana, Kakak balik pukul berapa, Siapa masak and 1001 questions. She being as truthful as a child could be jawab jela.

I have a leaky pipe problem,  meleleh air mata. tak kira sob or happy story, sure jadi Neng Yatimah. We all rasa macam nak bawak balik aje budak tu.. Bak kata Ana, kita beli  ajela dia.

Sometimes i teringat kat budak tu coz she so reminds me of my daughter S*a. The chubby cheeks and the serene smile. How independent she is not only being left alone but in facing life in an incomplete family. But as a friend said "Kalau dah terpaksa nak buat macamana........"

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